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Sumter Landing Bicycle Club

Safe, Healthy, Fun Cycling in The Villages, Florida

Florida Bicycle Association's 2016 Bike Club of the Year!   ~   #1 Ranked Cycling Club in since 2017!



The primary goal of the Sumter Landing Bicycle Club (SLBC) is to provide cycling opportunities to our club members.  We accomplish this through regularly scheduled group rides out of select locations within The Villages as well as special destination rides to a wide variety of interesting/exciting places.  Cycling is an inherently risky undertaking, but we have put in place a set of requirements and expectations that are designed to hopefully reduce the risk and enhance the enjoyment of group riding.  Below you will find important information about what is needed and expected of club members (and guest riders!) when cycling with SLBC. 

What's Needed

  • Helmets are required.

  • Mirrors are highly recommended for your first ride and required for subsequent rides.

  • Guest riders will need to sign two liability waivers at the ride start.  You can preview the SLBC liability waivers before signing.  If you have already joined the club prior to your first ride, you do not need to sign the waiver at the ride start - you signed the waivers electronically during the club application process.

  • See our Event Calendar for locations and times of regularly scheduled rides.

  • Don’t forget to bring a water bottle(s) for hydration.

What's Expected

  • Before your first group ride, you should review the SLBC Safe Riding Rules.  It describes compulsory riding rules, suggested tips for riding in The Villages, and what to expect in traffic circles.

  • SLBC Safe Riding Rules

  • For your first group ride, arrive at least 15 minutes early and ask a club member to point out the Ride Starter.

  • See the Ride Starter to sign the waiver.

  • The Ride Starter or a designated club member will introduce you to the Ride Leader of the group with which you decide to ride. If you are concerned about the ride distance or time duration ask the ride leader.

  • The Ride Leader will partner you with a mentor (if available) to help answer questions and ride with you to offer any needed clarification on our club safe riding practices.

  • While enjoying the ride, follow the rules for your safety and the safety of others in the group. Observe and learn from the experienced members of your ride group.

  • Take advantage of any social gatherings after the ride. It’s as much about the friends we make as the exercise.

Safe Riding Rules

Prior to joining our club, you should download and understand our safe riding rules.

SLBC Safe Riding Rules

E-Bike Policy and Etiquette

The Sumter Landing Bicycle Club welcomes those with electric bikes (E-bikes) to join our regularly scheduled group rides.  However, we do have a few stipulations.  There are basically two types of E-bikes: pedal assist and throttle controlled, along with three classifications.  Class I are E-bikes limited to 20 mph using pedal assist.  Class II are throttled bikes that can ride with or without pedal assistance.   Class III can be either category but speeds are limited to 28 mph.

SLBC permits all types of pedal assist E-bikes, however, we ask that cyclists choose to ride in groups of similar and familiar experience and expertise.  Please remember, ride leaders have the discretion to ask you to leave if you are not riding within the advertised pace.

Operation of any e-bike in a “Throttle Only” mode is not permitted on a club ride.

Our intent and objective is that we all have fun, ride safe, and keep within the Ride Leader's designated pace and the group's skill level.