Kay Carver
11/19/2024 1:22 PM
Picciola Cutoff 49 miles 20-22
Some hills so regroup at end of Lake Ella and at Smitty
BV north, multimodal path/466 east, mission hills to Lake Ella, south to Spring Lake, Fruitland Park south to Lewis, Whitney, Veech, Montclair, Colonial, north on Thomas to Urick, Penn, cross over 441 and stop at Circle K northeast corner of Picciola Cutoff and 441. Picciola to Lake Unity, left on Eagle's Nest, right on Gray's Airport to Lake Griffin (Harbor Hills Loop CCW), Marion County Road to Smitty, 25 to Griffin Ave, cross 441 to Avenida Central, to El Camino to BV south. -- Kay K. Carver 352-391-8480